PRINCIPLE: Male. All sizes. 18 yrs & above. Youthful appearance.
SWAGGGGGG! Yeeeah! That's what it is! Swag, Style, Looks, Finesse, Class, Body and the "ish" that makes their heads turn - our way. We know it when they recognize from across the room that we got it going. When those jaws drop, we know we nailed it. 

This is the official KMF male domain. The market is thirsty, it is time to not only quench it but drench it too. Let’s do some man-talk, do some man-business and run some chauvinistic male swag like we know it. How about party just for showbiz because we always do anyway, only this time we don't have to be in the middle of some "not conscious fellow who lost touch with today ages aback.....? How about Ego-soothing events just to make the ladies scream for a wink? Awake your beast, flaunt your man.

Male modeling cuts across commercial to high fashion. You need to be perfectly fit to get hired on most jobs and because there are so many out there competing for the same roles. You have to stand out get the role. To be competitive a Height: 5.10"-6.2" works. If you fit the standard Suit Size: 40 though it may vary from client to another, then you stand a chance. Best begins from Age: Late teens into late twenties.


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